Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Seasonal Tastes

What say you? The right or the left? Unlike my politics, my decision here is clear-cut.

? I abhor it. I have been fortunate enough to spend the past few winters in Panama and have not felt the Balitc thrusts of Old Man Winter for a while. I am fearful of what effect this winter, and for that case autumn, may have on my psyche. Regardless of who I wake up beside, my daily morale is 100% correlated to the temperature outside and the amount of sunshine peaking through my mahogany blinds in the morning.

Besides the aforementioned, my contempt for winter is based upon the unacceptable seasonal sartorial shifts. When I sit down at day's end to enjoy hard-earned libation, the last sight I fancy is a gorgeous woman fortified in enough garb to make Vladimir Putin jealous. Myself, I prefer the Panamanian choice of "winter" dress, which usually involves nary enough cloth to decorate a Yorkie's neck.

My love for warm weather is deep-seated and well substantiated, and I'd appreciate if you would not try and offer me justifications for winter such as "I love the snow" and "I enjoy the seasons changing." I predict my frequent flyer miles may be exhausted at winter's end.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West (American R&B Artist)

Kanye West. I'm the least racist person you might ever encounter, but I simply do not like this gent. His outspokenness always seems to come off as whiny and ungrounded. I wholly appreciate that African-Americans are at a decided disadvantage in many circumstances, and do not try to pretend I can fully relate. However, it seems to me that Mr. West ought not resort to his obnoxiously crass cries for help, but rather should take a page from his predecessors' book. Respect is the key to action, and tactfulness is the key to respect.

The reason I even have decided to touch such a taboo topic is
because of the Mr. West's incident last night and it's relativity to business success. Some of my younger employees were speaking about it as I came in this morning, so I felt compelled to watch the videos. I cannot in good-faith pretend to opine that I know whose 'music video' was more deserving (as I have not, nor will I, watch either a Taylor Swift of Beyonce video), but one thing is for certain....MTV is the real winner. Whether they baited Mr. West's action is debatable, but what not is the publicity their "awards" show received.

The little I have seen of MTV over the past few years has made it abundantly clear that the station has jumped the shark. So let us not harp on the politics of Mr. West, but rather cheer the delighted folks in the MTV P.R. department. They may have some sticky questions to answer today, but all in all they can't help but to be elated. An (unexpected) victory in a sour economy is worth a gratuitous congrats from me.


p.s. A few links where Mr. West is at his finest are below...




Sunday, September 13, 2009

NFL vs. College Football

Along with afternoon cocktails and Asian women, another minor vice of mine is gambling on football. I don't gamble much, and don't do it consistently, but I do find myself sitting on the edge of my seat for a Central Michigan - Idaho State caliber matchup from time to time. My theory is that lesser known college games have softer lines than the marquee games. This approach has treated me well over the years. Yesterday was not one of those days. Went big on USC, and they did not cover. No worries, just dropped my Michelob Light for a Famous Grouse. All was well.

However I do temper the said vice in that I choose not to gamble on the NFL anymore. The parody in the NFL turns every game into a coin toss. 4th quarter backdoor covers have ruined my Sunday afternoons more than a few times. Nothing worse, as Sundays are bad enough without the smart of debt.

So, akin to my taste in women, I'll steer clear of the professionals (for now) and stick with what works : the college-age contingent.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

False Breasts

Surgically augmented breasts (or as I euphemistically refer to them - stuffed birds) are undoubtedly a weakness of mine. That is to say, if all is equal between two women, except for the authenticity of the respective blouse bunnies, I have an unblemished record for choosing the synthetics.

My pals often rib me for my adoration, as they seem to prefer nature's handiwork. Despite their insistence, I simply cannot agree. Scientific advancements have the motive to either (1) help us understand, or (2) enhance our lives. Whomever the first
skilled taxidermist (i.e. scientist/surgeon) was to employ silicone in the use of constructing stuffed birds, certainly undertook an advancement which falls within the latter. If this breakthrough perfects an enigma I've spent the better part of my life chasing, why should I not choose perfection over nature? Who am I to challenge modern science?

Regardless of personal preference, let us agree to disagree because after all....this is the epitome of knits which needn't be picked.


Thursday, September 10, 2009


I enjoy gallivanting through periphery countries in an inappropriately inebriated state, entertaining business proposals, reading the law, and generally trying to keep myself stimulated in every applicable sense of the word.

I'll spare you any more of my background and tell you what it is I plan to provide on this blog. I thoroughly enjoy, and take great pride in, analyzing the nuances of life which others may not necessarily notice and/or feel comfortable discussing.

This blog intends to feed the hungry mind through stories of personal conquests, insight into popular culture, as well as quotes and quips from quintessential yesteryear. In my posts I'll touch on:
travel, sports, libations, architecture, cigars, music, grammatical correctness, political incorrectness, politics, and generally any other important matter of the day, brought to you in the most brutally honest, yet refined, manner possible. As far as I am concerned, it is perfectly acceptable to openly discuss non-gentlemanly activity, so long as it is done with a gentlemanly cadence.

While many of my contemporaries may have similar blueprints, my perspective is unique. I proudly boast a scrupulous, discerning, pragmatic, attitude, which celebrates the constant driving forces of humanity: peace, love, sex, and drugs (which incidentally is where my valediction for each post is derived = PLS&D). So, until tomorrow.....


The Pragmatic Scum