Thursday, September 10, 2009


I enjoy gallivanting through periphery countries in an inappropriately inebriated state, entertaining business proposals, reading the law, and generally trying to keep myself stimulated in every applicable sense of the word.

I'll spare you any more of my background and tell you what it is I plan to provide on this blog. I thoroughly enjoy, and take great pride in, analyzing the nuances of life which others may not necessarily notice and/or feel comfortable discussing.

This blog intends to feed the hungry mind through stories of personal conquests, insight into popular culture, as well as quotes and quips from quintessential yesteryear. In my posts I'll touch on:
travel, sports, libations, architecture, cigars, music, grammatical correctness, political incorrectness, politics, and generally any other important matter of the day, brought to you in the most brutally honest, yet refined, manner possible. As far as I am concerned, it is perfectly acceptable to openly discuss non-gentlemanly activity, so long as it is done with a gentlemanly cadence.

While many of my contemporaries may have similar blueprints, my perspective is unique. I proudly boast a scrupulous, discerning, pragmatic, attitude, which celebrates the constant driving forces of humanity: peace, love, sex, and drugs (which incidentally is where my valediction for each post is derived = PLS&D). So, until tomorrow.....


The Pragmatic Scum

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