Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West (American R&B Artist)

Kanye West. I'm the least racist person you might ever encounter, but I simply do not like this gent. His outspokenness always seems to come off as whiny and ungrounded. I wholly appreciate that African-Americans are at a decided disadvantage in many circumstances, and do not try to pretend I can fully relate. However, it seems to me that Mr. West ought not resort to his obnoxiously crass cries for help, but rather should take a page from his predecessors' book. Respect is the key to action, and tactfulness is the key to respect.

The reason I even have decided to touch such a taboo topic is
because of the Mr. West's incident last night and it's relativity to business success. Some of my younger employees were speaking about it as I came in this morning, so I felt compelled to watch the videos. I cannot in good-faith pretend to opine that I know whose 'music video' was more deserving (as I have not, nor will I, watch either a Taylor Swift of Beyonce video), but one thing is for certain....MTV is the real winner. Whether they baited Mr. West's action is debatable, but what not is the publicity their "awards" show received.

The little I have seen of MTV over the past few years has made it abundantly clear that the station has jumped the shark. So let us not harp on the politics of Mr. West, but rather cheer the delighted folks in the MTV P.R. department. They may have some sticky questions to answer today, but all in all they can't help but to be elated. An (unexpected) victory in a sour economy is worth a gratuitous congrats from me.


p.s. A few links where Mr. West is at his finest are below...

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